Betekenis van:
government activity

government activity
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • wijze waarop geregeerd wordt
  • the act of governing; exercising authority




government activity
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • ministers samen als regering
  • the act of governing; exercising authority




government activity
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • wijze van behandeling van een zaak met betrekking tot de gevolgde of te volgen beginselen of gedragslijn
  • the act of governing; exercising authority




government activity
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • gouvernement
  • the act of governing; exercising authority





  1. % of total reductions that the government issues as ERUs or CERs for the planned project activity
  2. Metrology research has strong public benefits and is the main supporting activity for government regulation and standardisation.
  3. The exclusion of commercial operations means that the sector of ‘general government’ (S.13) comprises only institutional units producing non-market services as their main activity.
  4. 35 If a government grant related to a biological asset measured at its fair value less costs to sell is conditional, including when a government grant requires an entity not to engage in specified agricultural activity, an entity shall recognise the government grant in profit or loss when, and only when, the conditions attaching to the government grant are met.
  5. Commission observation: according to the agreement on German development banks, government assistance is a task for the public sector and does not therefore represent a commercial activity with implications for competition and so cannot be recognised as a compensatory measure.
  6. In addition, the origin of IFB’s turnover in growth in its logistics activity, according to the Belgian Government, is to be found to some extent in the growth of the ‘bulk’ sub-sector (bulk transport).
  7. The Gibraltar Government will introduce detailed anti-avoidance rules intended to eliminate all possibility for abuse. This will include introducing the concept of ‘deemed employee’ and rules targeted at employees who may be carrying out an activity outside Gibraltar.
  8. The proposal shall set out the arrangements for monitoring, reporting and evaluation, taking due account of the respective responsibilities of all levels of government that will be involved in the implementation of the proposed programme or activity.
  9. Article 11(2) of the Monetary Agreement between the Government of the French Republic, on behalf of the European Community, and the Government of His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco (hereinafter the Monetary Agreement) requires the Principality of Monaco to apply the measures adopted by France to implement certain Community acts concerning the activity and prudential supervision of credit institutions and the prevention of systemic risks to payment and securities settlement systems.
  10. Article 11(2) of the Monetary Agreement between the Government of the French Republic, on behalf of the European Community, and the Government of His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco (hereinafter ‘the Monetary Agreement’) requires the Principality of Monaco to apply the measures adopted by France to implement certain Community acts concerning the activity and prudential supervision of credit institutions and the prevention of systemic risks to payment and securities settlement systems.
  11. Article 11(2) of the Monetary Agreement between the Government of the French Republic, on behalf of the European Community, and the Government of His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco (hereinafter the Monetary Agreement) requires the Principality of Monaco to apply the measures adopted by France to implement certain Community acts concerning the activity and prudential supervision of credit institutions and the prevention of systemic risks to payment and securities settlement systems. Those acts are listed in Annex A to the Agreement.
  12. Article 11(2) of the Monetary Agreement between the Government of the French Republic, on behalf of the European Community, and the Government of His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco (hereinafter ‘the Monetary Agreement’) requires the Principality of Monaco to apply the measures adopted by France to implement certain Community acts concerning the activity and prudential supervision of credit institutions and the prevention of systemic risks to payment and securities settlement systems. Those acts are listed in Annex A to the Agreement.
  13. the activity of reinsurance conducted or fully guaranteed by the government of a Member State when this is acting, for reasons of substantial public interest, in the capacity of reinsurer of last resort, including in circumstances where such a role is required by a situation in the market in which it is not feasible to obtain adequate commercial cover.
  14. Since the KAIPTC offers a wide range of training programmes for both military and civil-service officials, who are expected to assume policy making roles in the government, this outreach activity by the Technical Secretariat is intended to advance the inclusion of the Convention in the KAIPT curriculum.
  15. The Italian authorities consider that the scheme does not promote participation in trade fairs abroad as a separate business activity, but as an investment open to all undertakings, which the Italian Government intends to encourage as a general economic policy objective.